Our name is DHR. The letters stand for Participation (Delaktighet), Power of Action (Handlingskraft), Freedom of Movement (Rörelsefrihet). Words that describe what DHR stands for at times when we must fight for our human rights every day. Participation is not something we receive as a gift, but something we must constantly work for, so that people with reduced mobility will be fully equal and involved in society.
By being an active actor, we show that we are not content with merely recognizing the principle of the equal value of all human beings, but that we are working to realize it. We want to change society.
Achieving freedom of movement is the long-term goal of our work. This means that everyone should be able to get access everywhere without being limited by obstacles in the surroundings. Achieving this goal is a basic precondition for everyone to not be excluded.
No society, no group or individual has the right to violate the human dignity of an individual or group. A society can never be divided into full-fledged and non-full-fledged citizens, where some are exposed to discrimination that leads to exclusion. It is the starting point for everything we do.
Nationally, we focus on policy work towards the Parliament, government, and central authorities, while the DHR regions work towards their respective regions. In our local associations, we pursue rights policy issues at the municipal level. Peer support activities are also conducted here. The local associations within a district/region’s area of activity cooperate with the support of the district/region.
Nationally, regionally, and locally, DHR operates by policy making and informing on issues concerning people with reduced mobility and by being a meeting point for the exchange of knowledge. Are you interested in getting in touch with any local association or district/region? Click here to get to the contact page
Become a member of DHR
DHR needs you as a member. Whether you choose to be active or just want to support us, your membership is important, because if we are many, our common voice will be stronger.
As a member of DHR, you, together with other members, can influence that society becomes more equal and gender-equal. Together with other members, you can also participate in leisure activities, peer support and social fellowship.
What does it cost?
A membership costs SEK 300. In some cases, you also pay a fee to the local association you will belong to. It varies from local association to local association. But most often the fee is SEK 20-30.
If you do not want to belong to a local association, you can become a national member for SEK 400. The membership fee for families who are national members is SEK 200 per year.
If you only want to support DHR’s activities, you can choose to become a support member for a cost of SEK 300 per year.
Email medlem@dhr.se or call 08-685 80 20.
The phone hours are Monday at 10-12, Tuesday at 13-15 and Wednesday at 10-12.